Welcome To Modern Migration Australia – Migration Agents in Perth, WA.

As global migration agents in Australia, we’ve had the pleasure over the years helping people from all over the world, including Southeast Asia, Europe, and the Americas, amongst many other countries.

We understand that when it comes to visas, citizenship, and other applications, it is not always a simple process.

In-fact with so much information out there, things can get a little overwhelming.  So, in an effort to support, we are proud to provide all the guidance and information we have gathered over the years.

This could be information related to visa applications, skill assessments for those applying for skill visas to Australia, and many other items.

With COVID-19 still playing a major role when it comes to the re-opening of borders and restrictions, we find it crucial to stay up to date with all the latest news. This includes changes to migration acts & regulations and other important details when it comes to visas, citizenship and more.

Visit our Perth Office or meet online

Over the years we have met people from all walks of life with different preferences. We are proud to offer both face-to-face and online meetings. Our team uses Zoom on a daily basis for those who are located interstate and overseas, and for those who cannot make it to our offices.

For those who prefer the face-to-face meeting, we are located at 23 Railway Road, Subiaco, Western Australia.

Why people choose Modern Migration Australia

As a boutique business, we are proud to say that over the years we have built a company with a small team that treats every person and every case with the highest level of importance and dedication.

Not only that, but we understand how hard visa and other processes can be. So, our professionalism and guidance are guaranteed to anybody we can help.

Who can we help

Our services at Modern Migration are broad and we specialise in just about all visa applications. This includes partner visas, parent visas, the Australia Skilled Visa Program, employer sponsored visas, and many more.

Most importantly, we are specialists when it comes to the Australian Business Visa Program. It is a complex area and at times is accompanied by many documents and requirements.  

If you are looking for some assistance and guidance when it comes to visas, citizenship and other migration enquires, contact us at Modern Migration Australia.

We would be honoured to hear from you and help in any way possible.